Our Facilities
In early 17th century Japan/Okinawan, karate students trained outside or at best, indoors in very cramped uncomfortable quarters. Though the nearly four hundred year-old physical techniques have not changed, thankfully the facilities have. At Tim Derby Karate, we provide our students with the safest, most modern, as well as professional, karate facility available. Within our two-story, 5,000 square-foot heated/cooled facility, you will find an open 2,500 square-foot “padded” training floor (designed specifically for our student’s safety), separate men/women restrooms and changing rooms, as well as a fitness facility. In addition, our facility is conveniently located on Highway 45 North (across from K-Mart) allowing you to drop your child off as you shop in town, pick-up groceries, or simply run errands. Parents are also more than welcome to observe class or utilize our spacious downstairs lobby. Here you can get away from the noise and watch TV, read a book, or simply relax. Overall, our carefully designed karate facility (dojo) is a clear reflection of our unmatched commitment to excellence.