Our Focus

First, our focus is toward creating and implementing structured professional curriculum. Intense, while at the same time safe, our work-outs are designed to instill a strong work ethic in each student as we utilize encouragement and positive re-enforcement in order to guide each “individual” student through their quest for karate excellence.

Second and above all, Tim Derby Karate provides an uncompromising Christian environment for our students. Romans 1:16 states “for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to all those that believe.” While our primary objective is to encourage adults and children to achieve excellence in karate we believe that those intangibles that are associated with such excellence should be utilized as tools to walk a more committed Christian walk; one, which focuses on bringing honor to God as well as serving others.

Our Goal

As previously mentioned, we are committed to providing a Christian environment for our students. Moreover, beginning with myself, as the chief instructor, and extending to all our assistant instructors, we are committed to demonstrating the very same values we work so hard to instill in every student, realizing that inside the classroom and beyond we serve as role models for those whom we teach. Second, we are committed to assisting each student regardless of their skill level or ability; face the challenges that must be met in order to achieve one’s own level of excellence in karate. Furthermore, we are committed to partnering with parents to assist and encourage each student to display that excellence in karate class, as well as throughout every aspect of their life. In doing so, the karate student can go beyond merely combatting common youth peer pressure in order to be a leader among his/her peers.